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Saturday, 23 June 2012


Magician’s have a versatile skill set and can be really fun to play. Magicians are highly sought after in parties and are respected by high level players even at their mid level 20’s. However, if you are planning on making a magician you have to keep in mind that they have really slow growth; in fact they are the slowest levelers in the game. Due to their low HP and slow casting speed, magicians may find it difficult to solo monsters on their own. They rely heavily on parties and friends to lure for them.

In character creation it is best to increase INT up to 18 and Wisdom up to 18

Training Locations

Level 1-2: Kooiis
Level 3: Bramble Donguris
Level 4: Leaf Boars
Level 5-7: Swamp Mushrooms
Level 8: Swamp Boars
Level 9-10: Poisonous Mushrooms
Level 11: Sandman
Level 12-15: Honestly, the easiest way is to just use pirate coins, trade them to Rafril(Lanos) or Ratas(Siras). You can buy sets of 20 for 2-3.5k from the black trader, and you get 1.6-2k back from the quest guy for every set you turn in. Epic EXP, but after getting to level 15, they give practically nothing. (Alternatively you can stay at Sandmen).
Level 15-17: Redeye Gosumis or Brooms at the pirate ship
Level 18-20: If you are Lanos train against Mutant Gosumis because there’s a nice sniping platform (try to find someone to help you lure). If you are a Siras go to Magmas. Alternative you can go to Pirate Ghosts or Pirate Skeletons at the pirate ship.
From level 20 onward most mages join parties to level up, they are responsible for healing, shielding and sometimes luring.
Level 20-22: Party at Big Boars if you’re lanos and Firebirds if you are a siras. Alternatively you can go to the lighthouse and party at Imps and Beholders
Level 23-25: Party at Elite Imps and Mummys
Level 26-27: Party at Cactus Bees and help lure if you’re lanos and party at Desert Gosumi’s if
Level 28-30: Party at Sand Donguris and Doleys and help lure if you’re lanos. If you are a siras go to Wild Sandmen and 3 Eyed Lizard.
Level 30+ You should know where to train by now. Hot Sand Plains and Wingfril Temple are both popular places to party.

Leveling and Money

*IMPORTANT* Regardless of the class, to level up fast in the world of magic, burning gold is important. And as a new player starting out, this is what you should be doing. As a noob there's absolutely no reason for you to be keeping gold lying around in your inventory, unless your saving up for a skillbook or a new piece of equipment. Don't worry, when you get to a high enough level, you will be able to make all of your money back through farming.

To level up fast, use your money to:

1) buy skill book
2) buy enchanted equipment (+6 weapons and +4 armor are relatively affordable)
3) If you're funded, buy Wild Boar Dolls to boost your damage. If you're not, you can get a free Awaken Koii Doll once per day from the supply manager in your village


Unlike other classes, mages have a lot of useful skills at their disposal. The build that you choose to follow may differ greatly from other mages. Here is a build that I recommend following.

Level 2-4: Flame Shock +3
Level 5-7: Light Healing +3
Level 8-10 Shield +3
Level 11-13: Firebolt +3
Level 14: Teleport +1
Level 15-17 Carnivalize +3
Level 18 Freezing Trap +1
Level 19 Save Skill Point
Level 20 Curse of Doom +1 and Prayer of Protection +1
Level 21: Put another point into Prayer of Protection
Level 22: Put another point into Curse of Doom
Level 23: Ice Prison +1
Level 24: Ice Lance +1
Level 25: Stun +1
Level 26: Healing Wave +1
Level 27: Stun +1

For weapons you should be buying +6 weapons from the black trader, this will let you kill faster

For magician weapons I recommend finding a weapon with the highest INT along with a +6 enchantment.

For Armor, you should start buying enchanted armor starting at level 13:

Just like other classes, having enchanted armor is important for survival. Find armor that gives a +4 enchantment plus a HP and MP boost. 

Level 13-17: Expert Magician Robe +4 (40-70k)
Level 17-22: Magician Robe +4 (80k-100k)
Level 22-26: Charmed Robe +4 (80k-130k) depending on HP and MP boost
Level 26: Crystal Robe +4 (700k+)

I recommend skipping Monk’s Robe because it will cost 800k+ to get a +4 enchant. Work on getting a good Sage’s Robe.

For Helmets, you should start at level 18:

Level 8-18: Old Hat +4 with +1 INT (40k-50k) I recommend making it yourself with enchants
Level 18-26: Eye of Beholder +4 with +3 or more INT (80k-100k)   
Level 26-31: Shaman’s Hat +4 with +3 or more INT (400k-600k) you can skip this hat if you have a good eye of beholder (preferably +5 beholder)

I recommend skipping Monk’s Hat because it will cost 800k+ to get a +4 enchant. Work on getting a good Sage’s Hat.

Other Items:

Get a pet as soon as possible, relatively easy to afford a bunny (150-175k)
Gloves: Stick with a +4 Mitten with a good HP boost until you can find a good Seruang’s Heart (10-20k)
Necklace: Stick with a Raven Necklace with a good HP boost until you are 30+ (30k+)
Ring: Pirate or Coral Ring until you are 30+ if you can afford an Ancient Ring (200k+) get it for the HP Boost
Shoes: +4 Boots of speed (60-80k)
Cape: Cloak of Health (15k) or Bulldozer’s Cloak (100k)
Belt: FungiSkin Belt with good HP boost (10k-20k)

Final advice: Resell your equipment that you don't use anymore to buy stronger items.

Friday, 22 June 2012

If you're wondering why you've been getting a 30% EXP buff lately, its because there's a leveling up event for the world of magic. The event lasts from June 21st - July 4th and will take place during the following times.

Pacific Time (PDT)
12:00 AM - 2:00 AM
6:00 AM - 8:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
6:00PM - 8:00 AM

In the World of Magic, getting to a level can be very time-consuming. This guide contains two useful tips for players who are looking are looking to level faster. 

Tip #1 EXP Buffs: Everyone knows that you can get a buff that gives you 20% more exp if you join the battlefield or if you are a part of the winning realm. But did you know that you can get up to 70% more exp during a leveling up event and up to 40% more exp on a regular basis? The three types of EXP buffs that you can get are:

  1. (Yellow) 30% Event buffs that you can only get during an event period
  2. (Blue) 20% battlefield buffs that you get from the battlefield
  3. (Green) 20% Ad buffs that you can get by clicking on one of com2us’ ads

With the event: 30% + 20% + 20% = 70% more exp
Without the event: 20% + 20% = 40% more exp

To get the 20% Ad buff, click on one of these after opening the chat box (image to the left). Click on it and try to cancel it immediately so that you don’t get disconnected from the game. The Ad buff lasts 10 minutes; you can get the buff again by clicking on the ad.

Tip #2 Damage Buffs: If you have the money, purchases Awaken Kooii dolls from the black trader to increase your damage. Combine this with stimulants or other items that boost your critical rate. This will allow you to take down monsters at a much faster pace.  

Monday, 18 June 2012

I tried this, it actually worked and you don’t have to pay either. Go to the free platinum page in-game and register for for Netflix. Enter either your credit card number or your Paypal. Personally I prefer using Paypal over credit cards online. Follow the steps and after registering you should receive your platinum 1-2 hours later. You can easily convert this platinum to 800-900k gold ingame.

Two important things to note:

  1. Cancel your membership after receiving your platinum and you won’t have to pay anything. I have known people who continued their subscription, but its up to you.
  2. If you or someone in your household have already registered for Netflix, whether it is own their own or through another similar offer (like for Maplestory NX), I’ve been told that they will bill you for the first month, even if you cancel your membership.
Note: I am in no way affiliated with Netflix, this is just something that I have experimented with. If you run into any problems with this contact the customer services department at Netflix, not me. 

Picture credit: EquinoxxScarx
Tip 1 Free Platinum: Go to Shop, click get platinum, go to extra (free) and then scroll all the way to the bottom, where there is an option to see more offers. This leads you to Tapjoy’s page. Using Tapjoy, you can register an account and get free platinum for downloading and running the apps that they advertise. If you have unlimited bandwidth download as much as you want. If you have a downloading limit, download sparingly, choose apps that are 20-50 MB each. Don’t bother trying to make multiple accounts, Tapjoy keeps track of your devices UDID and will know if you’re trying to abuse the system.
Note: You can also get 1 platinum a day by clicking on the “Earn 1 Platinum” option. Using this platinum, you can convert it to gold by selling premium items. Trader Expand 1 and 2 gives the best platinum to gold conversion. Sell these tickets for 45k-50k each at the black trader. You can also wait for a new event and buy and resell pet packages on the first day.
Tip 2 Farming: Wait til you’re at least level 20 to start farming. This is when most classes get their mobbing skill. Farm at Woopa’s and Roopa’s (sell sets of red coral at the black trader for 10k, npc mystic oil and small coral at the crimsonsabre merchant, and trade mystic stones to Kulin for a chance of getting a armor d or weapon d enchant)
For those of you who do not know, the crimsonsabre merchant is an NPC who buys items at a higher price than other NPC. She is found in the town of both realms.
When training at level 20+, you’ll find yourself finding profitable enchant scrolls B and above. Sell these at the black trader.
Tip 3 Merchanting: This is something that you have to develop a feel for. Prices fluctuate and you will not always earn a profit. Get to know the prices, and buy underpriced items from the Black Trader, resell at a higher price (keep in mind the commission fee when merchanting). Enchant scrolls are a good item to look out for.

Extra Tips: 

  1. Hunting bossing is another option that you have. Note that there are a lot of people hunting lower level bosses, and its probably not worth your time at lower levels. 
  2. Finally participate in Battlefield and Ancient Dungeon, sell the rewards for 2k each.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

STR Warrior or CON Warrior

Based on public opinion, CON warriors appear to be better than STR warriors at higher levels. However, the build you choose will depend more on your style of playing. If you prefer to produce higher damage choose STR warrior, if you prefer a tank build, choose CON. 

Here’s a good highlight of some of the arguments that have been made:

CON warriors Pro’s:

·         Slightly higher HP than STR warriors, but regardless of which, makes a big difference when it comes to PVP
  • Can make up for lower STR through STR enchant scrolls
  • Better HP regeneration
CON warriors Con’s (yes…haha)

·         Produces slightly less damage than STR warriors

Pro’s of STR warriors are basically the con’s on CON warriors, Con’s of STR warriors are Pro’s of CON warriors

Builds: So now you choose…

  • CON Warrior’s: STR – 14 / INT – 9 / DEX – 11 / CON-18 / WIS-9
  • STR Warrior’s: STR – 18 / INT – 9 / DEX – 11 / CON-14 / WIS-9

Training locations

Level 1-3: Train on Koii’s
Level 3-5: Bramble Donguri’s
Level 5-6: Leaf Boar’s
Level 7-9: Flower Elemental/Swamp mushrooms, whichever you want
Level 9-10: Swamp spider and Poisonous Mushrooms if your willing to take the damage
Level 11-12: Red Crabs
Level 12-15: Honestly, the easiest way is to just use pirate coins, trade them to Rafril(Lanos) or Ratas(Siras). You can buy sets of 20 for 2-3.5k from the black trader, and you get 1.6-2k back from the quest guy for every set you turn in. Epic EXP, but after getting to level 15, they give practically nothing. (Alternatively you can go to Sandmen).
Level 15-16: Finish the lighthouse quest and go train on Testing Woopa and Marsh Donguri’s
Level 16-17: Stay in lighthouse, Skeletons
Level 17-20: Finish the Pirate Ship quest chain and kill brooms, these give great EXP and are good to farm for Carnivalize volume 2 and wep. and arm. enchant c’s.
Level 20-22: Find hallway keys from SWEEPERS on the first floor, and either find or buy (from Black Trader) a captains key to get inside the captain’s cabin, kill either Pirate Ghosts or Pirate Skeletons. Alternatively you can kill Mutanat Gosumi’s or Magma’s.
Level 22-23: Go back to the lighthouse, move onto the third floor and kill Imps and Dark Beholders
Level 23-24: Hunt Big Boars at Lanos Plains or Fire Birds at Kataru Mountains
Level 24-26: Go to the fifth floor of the lighthouse and train on Mummies and Elite Imps.
Level 26-28 (maybe 29): Cactus Bees for Lanos’ and Doley’s for Siras’
  • From this point on you should have a good idea of where to train, if you’re rich use ancient coins to level up

Leveling and Money – Skillbooks and Equipment

*IMPORTANT* Regardless of the class, to level up fast in the world of magic, burning gold is important. And as a new player starting out, this is what you should be doing. As a noob there’s absolutely no reason for you to be keeping gold lying around in your inventory, unless your saving up for a skillbook or a new piece of equipment. When you get to a high enough level, you will be able to make all of your money back through farming.
To level up fast, my advice would be to use your money to:
  1. buy skill book 
  2. buy enchanted equipment (+6 weapons and +4 armor are relatively affordable) 
  3. buy potions
If you’re funded, buy Wild Boar Dolls to boost your damage. If you’re not, you can get a free Awaken Koii Doll once per day from the supply manager in your village. These help a ton.


Level 1-3: Get Wild Swing up to level 3 for a boost in damage
Level 3-5: Increase Parry to level 2
Level 5-7: Get Counterattack up to level 2
Level 7-10: Save Skillpoints (3)
Level 10: Increase Bullrush by 1 (2 if you can afford the second volume), Increase Wild Charge by 1 (its the warriors teleport)
Level 10-15: Save Skillpoints (5)
Level 15: Increase Slam by 1, Rage by 1, Toughness by 2, Save 1 skillpoint
Level 15-20: Save skillpoints (5)
Level 20: Increase Berserk by 1, Sweeping Strikes by 1 (try to buy volume 2 of sweeping strikes), and Last Resistance by 1
  • Even without purchasing expensive skillbooks, this build should be enough to get you to the 30′s, continue saving for skill books 
Warrior FAQ: Should I get Slam 2? 
Yes, if you have the money, go for it, it will multiply your damage by about 1.6

How to Arrange your Skills for Training

Skill Set 1: Wild Swing, Berserk, Rage, Sweeping Strikes, Slam (bottom up)
  • ·         When training, gather a small mob, use berserk, use sweeping strikes, use wild swing to generate crystals, use rage and spam slam. With level 2 sweeping strikes, using slam once should generate enough crystals for the next slam, allowing you to spam it.
Skill Set 2: Bull Rush, Last Resistance, Potions (use a combination of potions that heal a large amount of your HP all at once, and potions that heal your HP over a period of time)
  • ·         Bull Rush will allow you to move faster and Last Resistance will help you survive against Pker’s

For weapons, starting from level 14, you should be buying +6 weapons from the black trader

Level 9-14: Any canine tooth of madness (get a clean on for 20k-30k)
Level 14-17: +6 Longsword with 3 or more critical (will cost anywhere between 40k-100k+)
Level 17-20: +6 Sharp Longsword with 3 or more critical (will cost anywhere between 40k-100k+)
Level 20: +6 Katana with 5 or more hitrate (will cost anywhere between 250k-350k on average)
  • Most new players will find it difficult to accumulate enough gold to purchase a good viking sword or gladius. Stick with a katana until level 32 and buy a rapier.

For Armor, you should start buying enchanted armor starting at level 12:

Level 12-16: Woopa armor +4 (40-70k)
Level 16-20: Sturdy Woopa armor +4 (45-75k)
Level 20-27: Bone Armor +4 (50-75k)
Level 27-32: High Guard Armor +4 (150-200k)
Level 32+ Whatever you want, depending on how much gold you can farm.

For Helmets, you should start at level 10:

Level 10-18: Woopa Helmet +4 (80k)
Level 18-30: Intensified Woopa Helmet +4 (80k) or Intensified Woopa Helmet +5 (150k), Intensified Woopa Helmet will last you awhile so I recommend getting a +5 one if possible.

Other Items:

Pet: Get a pet as soon as possible, relatively easy to afford a bunny (150-175k)
Gloves: Stick with a +4 sturdy leather glove with 3 or more hitrate, until you are 30+ (10-20k)
Necklace: Coral Necklace until 30+
Ring: Pirate or Coral Ring until you are 30+
Shoes: +4 Old Woolen shoes (20-40k) or +4 Boots of speed (60-80k)
Cape: Cloak of Health (15k)
Belt: FungiSkin Belt (10k-20k)
Shield: +4 round shield (35k-80k) will be okay until 30+
  • Final advice: Resell your equipment that you don’t use anymore to buy stronger items.