Picture credit: EquinoxxScarx |
Tip 1 Free Platinum: Go to Shop, click get platinum, go to extra (free)
and then scroll all the way to the bottom, where there is an option to see more
offers. This leads you to Tapjoy’s page. Using Tapjoy, you can register an
account and get free platinum for downloading and running the apps that they
advertise. If you have unlimited bandwidth download as much as you want. If you
have a downloading limit, download sparingly, choose apps that are 20-50 MB
each. Don’t bother trying to make multiple accounts, Tapjoy keeps track of your
devices UDID and will know if you’re trying to abuse the system.
Note: You can also get 1 platinum a day by clicking
on the “Earn 1 Platinum” option. Using this platinum, you can convert it to
gold by selling premium items. Trader Expand 1 and 2 gives the best platinum to
gold conversion. Sell these tickets for 45k-50k each at the black trader. You
can also wait for a new event and buy and resell pet packages on the first day.
Tip 2 Farming: Wait til you’re at least level 20 to start farming.
This is when most classes get their mobbing skill. Farm at Woopa’s and Roopa’s
(sell sets of red coral at the black trader for 10k, npc mystic oil and small
coral at the crimsonsabre merchant, and trade mystic stones to Kulin for a
chance of getting a armor d or weapon d enchant)
For those of you who do not know, the crimsonsabre merchant is an NPC who buys items at a higher price than other NPC. She is found in the town of both realms.
When training at level 20+, you’ll find
yourself finding profitable enchant scrolls B and above. Sell these at the
black trader.
Tip 3 Merchanting: This is something that you have to develop a feel
for. Prices fluctuate and you will not always earn a profit. Get to know the
prices, and buy underpriced items from the Black Trader, resell at a higher
price (keep in mind the commission fee when merchanting). Enchant scrolls are a
good item to look out for.
Extra Tips:
- Hunting bossing is another option that you
have. Note that there are a lot of people hunting lower level bosses, and its
probably not worth your time at lower levels.
- Finally participate in Battlefield and
Ancient Dungeon, sell the rewards for 2k each.
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